1. Amazon (South America)

 The Amazon Rainforest, also known as Amazonia, the Amazon jungle or the Amazon Basin, encompasses seven million square kilometers (1.7 billion acres), though the forest itself occupies some 5.5 million square kilometers (1.4 billion acres), located within nine nations.


 The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests and comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world. The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by volume, with a total flow greater than the top ten rivers worldwide combined.
It accounts for approximately one-fifth of the total world river flow and has the biggest drainage basin on the planet. Not a single bridge crosses the Amazon.

2. Angel Falls (Venezuela)

Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, at 1,002 m, and is located in the Canaima National Park in Bolivar State, along Venezuela’s border with Brazil. It is more than 19 times higher than Niagara Falls. The uninterrupted descent of water falls 807 m
3. Grand Canyon (United States)


The Grand Canyon, created by the Colorado River over a period of 6 million years, is 446 km long, ranges in width from 6 to 29 km and attains a depth of more than 1.6 km. During prehistory, the area was inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves.



4. Halong Bay (Vietnam)

Halong Bay is located in Quáng Ninh province, Vietnam. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and isles in various sizes and shapes. The bay has a 120 kilometre long coastline and is approximately 1,553 square kilometres in size with 1969 islets.
Several of the islands are hollow, with enormous caves, other support floating villages of fishermen, who ply the shallow waters for 200 species of fish and 450 different kinds of mollusks.
Another specific feature of Halong Bay is the abundance of lakes inside the limestone islands, for example, Dau Be island has six enclosed lakes. All these island lakes occupy drowned dolines within fengcong karst.


5. Iguazu Falls (Argentina, Brazil)

Iguazu Falls, in Iguazu River, are one of the world's largest waterfalls. They extend over 2,700 m (nearly 2 miles) in a semi-circular shape. Of the 275 falls that collectively make up Iguassu Falls, "Devil's Throat" is the tallest at 80 m in height.
Iguazu Falls are on the border between the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones, and are surrounded by two National Parks (BR/ARG). Both are subtropical rainforests that are host to hundreds of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna.

 6.Great Wall of China.

The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

 7.Mount Roraima (Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana)

File:Mt Roraima in Venezuela 001.JPG

Mount Roraima is a pretty remarkable place. It is a tabletop mountain with sheer 400-metre high cliffs on all sides. There is only one ‘easy’ way up, on a natural staircase-like ramp on the Venezuelan side – to get up any other way takes and experienced rock climber. On the top of the mountain it rains almost every day, washing away most of the nutrients for plants to grow and creating a unique landscape on the bare sandstone surface. This also creates some of the highest waterfalls in the world over the sides (Angel falls is located on a similar tabletop mountain some 130 miles away). Though there are only a few marshes on the mountain where vegetation can grow properly, these contain many species unique to the mountain, including a species of carnivorous pitcher plant.

 8. Socotra (republic of yemen)

Socotra has been described as one of the most alien-looking place on Earth, and it’s not hard to see why. It is very isolated with a harsh, dry climate and as a result a third of its plant-life is found nowhere else, including the famous Dragon’s Blood Tree, a very-unnatural looking umbrella-shaped tree which produces red sap. There are also a large number of birds, spiders and other animals native to the island, and coral reefs around it which similarly have a large number of endemic (i.e. only found there) species. Socotra is considered the most biodiverse place in the Arabian sea, and is a World Heritage Site.

9.Karstic peak (Guilin, China)

Well-known both home and abroad for its verdant hills, limpid waters, fantastic caves and exquisite rocks, Guilin has enjoyed the reputation of having the country's most beautiful scenery for hundreds of years. Guilin is a bright pearl on the list of China's top tourist attractions and the Li River is the highlight of sightseeing tours in Guilin. Originated in Mao'er (Cat) Mountain in Xin'an county northeast of Guilin, the Li River winds its way southeast for about 426 km.
Li River cruise takes visitors from Guilin to Yangshuo. A state-level scenic area, it is the centerpiece of your Guilin tour, as well as one of the highlights of any China tour. This section of the Li River appears like a classic Chinese ink painting with its green hills, crystal water, verdant bamboo and clear water reflection. The great Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu vividly described the landscape as "the river winds like a green silk ribbon, while the hills are like jade hairpins".


 10. The Plitvice Park (Croatia)

The stunning Plitvice Lakes National Park lies in the Lika region of Croatia. The park is surrounded by the mountains Plješevica, Mala Kapela, and Medveđak, which are part of the Dinaric Alps. The 16 blue-green Plitvice Lakes, which are separated by natural dams of travertine, are situated on the Plitvice plateau. Waterfalls connect the lakes, and the tallest waterfall is Veliki Slap at 70 meters (230 feet) tall. The Plitvice lakes area boasts a large variety of interesting and colorful flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy walking and hiking the many pathways and trails, or exploring the lakes by boat. The park itself has 3 hotels and a campsite, otherwise visitors can find accommodation at any of the number of villages and cities nearby.

Musisi yang Pernah Batal Konser di Indonesia

Siapa saja musisi dunia yang pernah batal menggelar konser di Tanah Air? Berikut daftarnya.

1. Rihanna

Pelantun 'Umbrella' ini telah dua kali membatalkan konser di Indonesia. Rihanna sempat dijadwalkan tampil di atas panggung Istora Senayan, Jumat, 14 November 2008. Namun, sehari sebelum pertunjukan, pihak promotor Show Master Live mengumumkan pembatalan konser karena masalah travel warning.


Meski demikian, pada 12 Februari 2009, Rihanna kembali dijadwalkan menggelar konser di Tanah Air dengan menggunakan promotor yang sama. Namun, lagi-lagi, penyanyi asal Barbados tersebut urung tampil di Jakarta.Tak jelas apa yang menyebabkan Rihanna membatalkan konsernya tersebut.
Meski tidak akan mem-black list Rihanna, promotor Show Master mengaku akan berpikir masak-masak jika ingin mendatangkan mantan kekasih Chris Brown tersebut. "Akan ada survei kecil di pasar, apakah trennya masih bagus. Jujur saja saya bingung dengan kondisi seperti ini," ucap Juru Bicara Show Master Troy Waroka.

2. N.E.R.D

Para penggemar N.E.R.D sangat antusias begitu mengetahui sang idola bakal menggelar konser di Indonesia pada 22 Maret 2009. Namun, rasa antusias itu menghilang tatkala konser trio hip-hop asal Negeri Paman Sam tersebut dikabarkan batal. Menurut promotor Java Festival Production, pembatalan terjadi karena masalah paspor.
"Paspor mereka ditahan, dipermasalahkan," ujar Niken. Usai tampil di Sunburst KL International Music Festival, Malaysia, N.E.R.D pun langsung bertolak ke AS.

3. Chris Brown

Seperti halnya sang mantan kekasih, Rihanna, pelantun 'Look at Me Now'ini juga pernah membatalkan konsernya di Indonesia. Brown sedianya menggelar konser di Indonesia, pada Desember 2011 lalu. Namun, konser tersebut dibatalkan lantaran berbenturan dengan kegiatan Brown lainnya.

Seperti diketahui, Brown harus menjalani syuting film di Paris, Perancis. Sejauh ini belum diketahui kapan Brown akan dijadwalkan konser di Indonesia.

4. CN Blue

Meski namanya tidak setenar musisi-musisi asal AS, namun band asal Korea Selatan ini telah memiliki basis penggemar di Indonesia. CN Blue sempat dijadwalkan menggelar konser di Jakarta pada 26 November 2011. Namun, beberapa hari sebelum konser, agen yang menaungi CN Blue, FNC Music mengumumkan pembatalan konser lewat situs resmi mereka.

Dalam situsnya, FNC Music menjelaskan, pembatalan disebabkan ketidakpercayaan mereka terhadap pihak penyelenggara lokal Indonesia. FNC Music menilai, perencanaan acara buruk dan penyelenggara lokal Indonesia gagal memenuhi kontrak.

Sementara itu, pihak promotor Starlight Manajemen mengaku salah dengan pembatalan tersebut. Menurut perwakilan Starlight Manajemen, Poppy, pembatalan disebabkan tidak terpenuhinya kuota penonton, yakni sebanyak 80 persen dari target. "Mereka khawatir tidak memenuhi kuota. Memang disebutkan di kontrak bila tidak memenuhi kuota, konser bisa dibatalkan," ucapnya.

Jadikan Mimpi Anda Indah Dengan Dream:ON

Ingin menciptakan mimpi yang indah? Atau hanya ingin bangun dengan perasaan bugar dan senang? Dua hal tersebut sudah bukan mimpi lagi.

Sebuah aplikasi gratis untuk perangkat berbasis iOS bernama Dream:ON telah diciptakan untuk membantu Anda mencapai mimpi yang diinginkan – atau setidaknya, terhindar dari mimpi buruk – dan bangun dengan perasaan lebih segar.

"Ilmu ilmiah di balik mimpi bukanlah hal yang kita pahami secara jelas. Aplikasi ini mungkin dapat memberikan informasi berguna mengenai cara mengubah dan merekam mimpi,” kata Profesor Richard Wiseman, otak di balik proyek eksperimental yang terdengar seperti fiksi ilmiah ini.

Bagaimana cara kerja Dream:ON?
Setelah aplikasi ini diaktifkan, ada tiga hal yang harus Anda atur. Pertama adalah pukul berapa Anda ingin bangun, dan kedua pilihan suara alarmnya. Yang terakhir adalah pilihan skenario mimpi yang Anda inginkan, seperti ingin berada di sebuah taman, dan lain-lain.

Setelah itu, letakkan iPhone atau iPod di pojok tempat tidur. Berbagai pergerakan yang Anda alami saat tidur akan dibaca dan dianalisa oleh Dream:ON. Kemudian sekitar 20 menit sebelum Anda bangun, aplikasi ini akan memutar efek suara (SoundScape) yang dirancang secara cermat untuk membantu mempengaruhi kondisi mimpi: apakah berada di hutan dengan latar gemuruh air terjun, berada di pantai tropis dengan deru ombak dan kicau burung camar…

Penjelasan ilmiahnya
Tidur memiliki tahap-tahapnya sendiri. Menurut riset, kebanyakan mimpi kita terjadi saat tahap REM Sleep. Di tahap ini, aktivitas otak manusia ternyata mirip dengan kondisi saat bangun sehingga indera yang lain masih dapat menangkap apa yang terjadi di sekeliling kita.

Nah, pada saat tahap REM Sleep ini, Dream:ON memainkan "SoundScape" ke alam bawah sadar kita. Menurut penelitian awal, dibutuhkan latihan beberapa kali untuk mendapatkan hasilnya.

Dream:ON juga menyertakan alarm atau weker pintar yang akan membangunkan Anda pada waktu yang tepat sehinga Anda dapat bangun dengan segar dan senang. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menandai teman Facebook yang muncul di mimpi, kemudian menaruh catatan singkat di "Dream Bank" yang ada.

Jadi, siapkah Anda bermimpi indah malam ini?


Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

1.Victoria Falls (Zambia and Zimbabwe)

Victoria Falls, the largest waterfalls in the world, is a destination like no other. The falls are part of the Zambezi river, which forms a border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. At the falls the Zambezi river cascades an amazing 108 meters (360 feet) over a width of 1,708 meters (5,604 feet). The falls were named after Queen Victoria by the European explorer David Livingstone who is thought to be the first European to view the falls. The native name of the falls is Mosi-oa-Tunya which means ‘Smoke that Thunders’. Victoria falls is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited by roughly a million tourists per year. One particularly popular feature of the falls is Devil’s Pool, a pool at the edge of the falls where people can swim and look over the falls without being pulled over by the current due to a natural rock wall that creates the pool. This can only be done from September to December when the river flow is at a safe level. Devil’s Pool is located on the Zambian side of the falls and is accessed from Livingstone Island, while most of the viewing areas of the falls are located on the Zimbabwean side. Visitors can view the falls from both countries, but there are considable visa charges involved in doing so, on top of the day pass charges each country asseind accommodations in Livingstone, Zambia, and the town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Devil's Pool, Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

2. Niagara Falls (Ontario, Canada and New york, USA)

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, located in both Ontario, Canada and New York, USA, is the name of a group of three individual waterfalls: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and Canadian Falls (aka Horseshoe Falls). Together, these waterfalls are the most powerful in North America. Niagara Falls is situated between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Horseshoe Falls has the highest drop at 173 feet (53 meters), while the waters flowing over American Falls tumble about 100 feet (30 meters). More impressive, though, is the sheer amount of water flowing over Niagara Falls, up to 202,000 cubic feet (5,700 cubic meters) per second during peak flow. A small island called Goat Island separates the American and Canadian sections of the falls. Niagara Falls is a very popular tourist destination, drawing over 28 million tourists per year. Visitors can take a tour on the iconic Maid of the Mist boat, enjoy a ride on the Niagara Scenic Trolley, or splurge on a Flight of Angels helium balloon ride for a unique aerial view. At night, Niagara Falls is lit up by colorful floodlights creating a breathtaking scene like no other.

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, New York

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

3. Vernal Falls (Yosemite, California. USA)

Vernal Falls - Yosemite National Park, California

One of the most popular waterfalls in Yosemite National Park of California in the United States, Vernal fall measures 97 meters (317 feet) high. A hike along the Mist Trail to the fall takes visitors very close to the fall where they become shrouded in its mist. The hike to Vernal Fall is short at only 2.1 km (1.3 miles) long. At the top of the fall hikers enjoy a rest at the Emerald Pool, named for its deep green color, which is a small lake where some visitors choose to swim, though it is against the park rules and can be dangerous if care is not taken. Travelers who wish to visit Vernal Fall should make it a part of a greater trip to the awe-inspiring Yosemite National Park where many other spectacular natural sights can be enjoyed. Accommodation is plentiful at the park and includes hotels as well as campgrounds. There is a $20 fee to enter Yosemite National Park.

Vernal Falls - Yosemite National Park, California

Vernal Falls - Yosemite National Park, California

Vernal Falls - Yosemite National Park, California

Vernal Falls - Yosemite National Park, California

4. Gullfoss (golden falls, Iceland)

Gullfoss, Iceland

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Iceland, the Gullfoss is a 2-tiered waterfall with a total height of 32m (105ft). Also known as the Golden Falls, the Gullfoss is part of the Hvítá river. Nearby attractions include the Haukadalur geysers and Þingvellir national park. Together, these 3 sites are called the Golden Circle. Because of the popularity of the falls there is hotel accommodation nearby, but most visitors opt to stay in Reykjavík and visit the falls on the Golden Circle day trip.

Gullfoss, Iceland

Gullfoss, Iceland

Gullfoss, Iceland

Gullfoss, Iceland

Gullfoss, Iceland

5.Havasu Falls (Arizona, USA)

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

On the Havasupai Indian Reservation within Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona you will find the gorgeous Havasu Falls. The picture perfect falls features a blue-green pool below which is excellent for swimming. Havasu Falls is fairly difficult to reach by foot, requiring a drive to Hualapai Hilltop and then a 16 km (10 mile) hike to the Falls via the tiny village of Supai which is 3 km (2 miles) from the falls. For those not up to the long hike, a helicopter ride to Supai can be had, followed up by a horseback ride to the falls. Visitors can camp near the falls, and the village of Supai has one lodge and one cafe. Otherwise the best options for accommodation can be found 177 km (110 miles) away in the town of Seligman. The area also features four other waterfalls: Navajo Falls, Supai Falls, Mooney Falls, and Beaver Falls.

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

Havasu Falls, Havasupai Reservation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, United States

6.Angel Falls (Venezuela)

Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls is the world’s highest waterfall at 979 meters (3,212 feet). Because the water falls so far it becomes a fine mist which can be felt a mile away before it reaches the ground below. The falls spill from a cliff near the summit of Mount Auyantepui into the Kerep River (also called the Rio Gauya). Named after the American aviator Jimmie Angel, Angel Falls is located in the state of Bolívar in Venezuela and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The falls is becoming a popular tourist destination, but it is still difficult to visit. To get to the base of the falls one must fly to Canaima camp and embark on a river trip from there. River trips can be taken only from June to December, as the river to too low in the dryer months. Alternatively, one can book an aerial flyby of the falls, but a view of the falls is not guaranteed as they are usually surrounded by clouds.

Angel Falls, Venezuela
 Angel Falls, Venezuela

 Angel Falls, Venezuela

 Angel Falls, Venezuela

 Angel Falls, Venezuela

 Angel Falls, Venezuela

 Angel Falls, Venezuela

 Angel Falls, Venezuela

7. Iguazu Falls (Argentina and Brazil)

Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil